Thursday, January 20, 2011

First day of the rest of my life

My dad used to say: "Today is the first day of the rest of your life". As kids we would roll our eyes and think to ourselves; " I have a math test today and if this is the rest of my life, its gonna suck".
It is really funny how our perspective changes as we get older. We search out those re-dues. We WANT this to be the first day of the rest of our lives, many times after we dump another diet, fight with our spouse or yell at the kids for the hundredth time about picking up.
In many cases I find comfort in being able to have the do overs, comfort but not progress. I never really have had a first day, just the do over day.
That stops today. It stops this year. This is my 'FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF MY LIFE"!!!!

I have met with a diet coach, gotten the support of my husband and made my health and weight a priority.
Actually; Iv made ME a priority and for the first time I dont feel guilty or stressed out about it.
Im really feeling positive and excited. It is a shift. A shift in thought process. I am unhappy, but not ashamed of what my body has become. More for how I have let it hold me hostage from living my best life possible.
Like a alcholic, I need to own what I have allowed my weight to rob me from in my life. Time outside with the kids,shopping with my daughters, events I didnt want to attend even time sleeping to much because Im just to tired to get moving.

As of today I weigh 252 lbs!!! But no longer will this number stop me from living a great life.

We shall see what the 2nd day of the rest of my life holds

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