Thursday, January 27, 2011

Well slap me again next week, but harder

7 days down! I really am amazed at how "easy" this program is
Food choices are at your finger tips, there are both sweet and savory options and it really has made me more aware of the food I put in my mouth a well as the time I take to eat it. I'm becoming very aware of when I REALLY am hungry vs. just wanting to eat something because its either in front of me or I crave it.
As each day built I found myself almost having a euphoric experience. Sleeping soundly, happy and energetic. It seemed to build and build as the week went on. Last night I almost couldn't sleep because of the energy going through my body.
AND THEN IT HIT!!!! The realization that I was counting on this moment, just me and my scale alone in my bathroom. No one would know if I only lose 2lbs, I mean I could say 4lbs right.?
Id been anticipating my weigh in like a kid waits for Christmas morning.......would I get the bike I asked for or not?
I step on: I wait and finally the number shows: 243 lbs....YES!!!!!!!! We did it, we did it!!!!!
All of the water and all of the sticks of gum I chewed paid off. 9.5lbs lost in 1 week.
Now I'm not sure about you guys; but I'm an instant gratification girl.
I would not be happy with 2lbs a week.
I need it slapping me in the face letting me know that what I'm giving up is worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go...I clicked to follow you...FYI the blog I am following you with is the electronic homework page of my students from the last couple of years. ;)
    Congrats! Keep it up!
