Friday, January 21, 2011

People dont leave diets beacause of the food...........

It is the end of day two on TSFL. A few things have come to a fore front in the last 48 hrs.

1. 100 ounces of water a day makes you pee A TON !!!!!
2. When you eat on a regular basis and manageable amounts; you realize when you are hungry or not
3. Sometimes hunger is mental not physical
4. Headaches SUCK, hungry or not.
5. I CAN DO THIS!!!!!!

One of the real positives I have going right now is that Im not working. I broke my ankle and have about 5 more weeks till I return. I think this is a blessing.  Im not sure how successful Id be on planning some of my meals without this extra time. Being able to spend even 1hr to plan out my menu and grocery list has help start this process off positively.
I rolled with that positive vibe all day, looking at labels in the store, pre portioning and weighing out the meats for the week. As well as starting a recipe index for next month. Im documenting every lean and green meal in recipe form so when I got back to work I have a month of meals to pull from it and hopefully have a quick guide at the store.
For any self proclaimed "foodie" like myself, that lean and green meal is VERY important. Not only do I want to meet the goals of my TSFL program, but for me food is visual and often hits all the senses. This is the only "REAL" food of my day and I need it to be awesome.

My coach Shawn has been a great support connecting with both my husband and I a few times a day. I know its only day 2 but it reminds me of the saying " People don't leave a job because of money, they leave because they haven't made a real human connection with anyone at the company".
Same goes for diets; food is food. People don't leave a diet because of the food, (except for possibly the cabbage soup diet) they STAY WITH a diet because of the human connection they have made with someone who has lived it or is living it with you.
My husband and I are taking this journey together and so far we haven't killed each other LOL.
It is great to be able to pull from his strength and determination and be a support for him if he needs reminders to eat...
Day three should be a breeze!!!!

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